Build Worker Power

Black, Brown, Indigenous, and rural communities are facing huge economic challenges: low wages, wage theft, and exploitative labor practices.

Despite legislative power often aligning with corporate interests, Wisconsin’s workers are actively fighting to improve job conditions—and they are winning!

In partnership with Worker Justice Wisconsin, Milwaukee Area Service and Hospitality Workers Union, and the High Road Strategy Center, we’re building worker power across Wisconsin by:

  • Upholding the belief that every worker deserves dignity and respect for their labor.

  • Committing to a statewide partnership to improve local and state policies for workers.

  • Developing an anti-racist, anti-austerity agenda that prioritizes workers’ needs.

  • Partnering with workers, researchers, policy analysts, and grassroots organizations to host educational events, create data resources, and strategize campaigns.

Raise the Minimum Wage to a Living Wage

All workers deserve fair compensation to support their families. Unfortunately, the Wisconsin legislature preempts cities and local governments from pursuing higher wages, which keeps wages low, especially in Milwaukee and Madison. Low wages also perpetuate poverty and weaken workers' bargaining power in the labor market. 


Unfortunately, many workers, particularly those who are Black, Brown, Indigenous, immigrant, and/or rural, struggle to make ends meet due to Wisconsin's current minimum wage of $7.25 an hour ($2.35 for tipped workers). This stagnant wage not only perpetuates poverty but also weakens workers' bargaining power in the labor market. Neighboring states have raised their minimum wages, leaving Wisconsin's low-wage workers falling behind and hindering our economic growth potential. 


By establishing a living wage, policy makers can take a proactive step towards dismantling racial inequalities, empowering low wage workers, and fostering economic justice. This action is essential for creating a more inclusive society where all individuals have the opportunity to thrive regardless of their race or background.


The WI legislature preempts the ability of cities and other local units of government to pursue higher wages. This holds wages down especially in Milwaukee and Madison. 


  • Raise the minimum wage – like 30 states already have.

  • Eliminate the tip credit – like Minnesota and 6 other states have.

  • Index the Wisconsin minimum wage to inflation – like 19 states have.

  • Enforce the minimum wage.

Criminalize Wage Theft & Misclassification of Workers

Each year, millions of dollars meant for working families are stolen as employers fail to pay workers their rightful wages. This issue disproportionately affects immigrant workers, who already face significant barriers to economic security. This action upholds our values of equity and justice while strengthening our economy by returning money to working families and taxpayers.


Every year, millions of dollars intended for working families and our economy are lost due to companies failing to pay workers their rightful wages. This issue hits hardest on immigrant workers, who already face significant barriers to economic security. When they are denied fair compensation for their labor, it exacerbates income inequality and perpetuates systemic racism. Misclassification further compounds this injustice, as independent contractors are denied basic rights such as secure pay, benefits, overtime pay, and safe working conditions. This exploitation not only harms workers but also deprives the economy of vital tax revenue.


By cracking down on wage theft and misclassification, we can ensure that all workers, regardless of their immigration status or background, receive fair treatment and compensation. This not only upholds our values of equity and justice but also strengthens our economy by putting money back into the hands of working families and taxpayers. It's time to take decisive action to protect immigrant workers and combat racism in our workplaces.


We must spotlight successful campaigns like those of WJW and VDLF, and push for robust local enforcement targeting high-violation industries. Any other locations of enforcement work though private or public channels.


The DWD Wage and Hour division must intensify its focus on industries notorious for violations, collaborating closely with worker and immigrant advocates; proactively pursue specific industries and locations. Create statewide campaigns to support workers' understanding of existing rights.

Right to Organize & Collectively Bargain

Protecting workers' rights to organize and collectively negotiate is critical for fostering sustainable wage growth, especially for Black, Brown, Indigenous, and rural communities who are consistently exploited. By allowing workers to negotiate for fair wages and better working conditions, we promote economic equity and uphold the dignity and humanity of every individual in the workforce.

In spite of challenges faced by working families in Wisconsin, workers across our state have come together to advocate for fair treatment and better conditions, setting precedents that have positively influenced labor laws nationwide. By allowing workers to negotiate for fair wages and humane working conditions, we not only promote economic equity but also uphold the dignity and humanity of every individual in the workforce. Furthermore, ensuring the right to organize serves as a crucial counterbalance to systemic racism and corporate influence. It empowers workers to challenge injustices and demand accountability from employers, creating a more just and equitable society for all.

Now is the time to stand in solidarity with workers and support their right to organize, not only to improve working conditions but also to advance the interests of all working families across Wisconsin. Together, let's build a future where every worker is treated with dignity, respect, and fairness.


Workers are demanding that public investments in private development result in good jobs for their community. MASH example of CBA to bargaining rights and contracts.


  • Stop throwing money at corporations, especially without any requirement on job quality and union rights.

  • Get rid of preemption: Allow and encourage cities and towns to require strong labor standards when public money makes private development possible. 

  • Get rid of Act 10 and so called “right to work”: Wisconsin policy could support these campaigns but to do so, we must overturn our restrictions on public and private sector bargaining rights.

Driver Licenses for All

We must advocate for our state legislature to pass the Driver's License (DL) bill and endorse the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. These actions align with policies that prioritize community welfare and foster inclusivity, benefiting all residents of Wisconsin.


Annually, approximately 70,000 residents of Wisconsin are denied driver's licenses solely due to their immigration status. This denial not only hampers routine tasks like providing transportation to neighbors or accessing medical care but also subjects individuals to potentially life-altering consequences. A seemingly minor traffic stop for a faulty headlight can spiral into family separation and loss of homes and livelihoods for certain individuals. This climate of uncertainty inflicts trauma on children and exacts a heavy toll on families and communities. Numerous other states, including the recent example of Minnesota, have already taken steps to end such prohibitions. Experience from these states demonstrates that granting driver's licenses to undocumented immigrants enhances public safety and fosters economic participation.


We must advocate for our state legislature to pass the Driver's License (DL) bill and endorse the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. These actions align with policies that prioritize community welfare and foster inclusivity, benefiting all residents of Wisconsin.


Support local efforts, through Voces de la Frontera, to promote and pass the DL and DACA bills


Participate in coalition building, lobbying, research, and press conferences to advocate for state level change.

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